
Kinuski-juustokuppikakut / Salted caramel cheesecupcakes

I was searching a recipe for cupcakes. I was fed up with only finding these regular 'not-so-moist-and-usually-kinda-dry' cupcake recipes. I was tired saying 'Uh-oh' every time looking in the oven. I didn't want the regular buttercream frosting (even though I'm a HUGE fan of it) float all over our kitchen, because I couldn't pipe it right.
I wanted something different. And this is what I came across on Pinterest. 
Super velvety cheesecake with salted caramel sauce on top. Not too sweet, not too salty. Just perfect with a cup of black coffee and a good book. 
This was actually my first attempt at this pouring thingy. And I'm not sure, but I think I nailed it pretty well. Or what do you guys think?
My mom was pouring the sauce as you can see. The trail's perfectly in the middle and it's as straight as a caramel trail can be. 
'It's getting kinda full, Anni' ,she said.
'Wait, just a few more pics and I'm done.'
And guess what happened? 
Continue your life. 
AFTER making these little cheesy easy-peasy cupcakes.

Resepti (24 kpl):
16 Digestive-keksiä
3 rkl sokeria, ei pakollinen
7 rkl sulatettua voita
900 g maustamatonta tuorejuustoa
3 1/2 dl fariinisokeria
3 rkl jauhoja
4 isoa kananmunaa
2 tl vaniljasokeria
2 prk (140 g) Créme Fraichea
1 1/4 dl kermaa

Laita uuni lämpenemään 175 asteeseen. Murskaa keksit ja sekoita ne voin ja sokerin kanssa. Jaa seos muffinivuokiin (noin ruokalusikallinen jokaiseen) ja paina tiiviisti vuoan pohjalle. Paista noin 5 minuuttia ja anna jäähtyä. Sekoita fariinisokeri ja jauho keskenään. Vatkaa tuorejuustoa hetken toisessa kulhossa ja sekoita sitten sokeri-jauhoseos joukkoon. Vatkaa kunnes seos on tasaista. Lisää munat yksitellen, mutta älä sekoita liikaa. Lisää vaniljasokeri, Créme Fraiche ja kerma ja sekoita vain kunnes seos on sileää. Kopauta kulhoa noin 50 kertaa pöydälle, että suurimmat ilmakuplat rikkoutuvat. Jaa seos tasaisesti muffinivuokiin ja paista 20-23 minuuttia. Kuppikakkujen keskustan ei tule olla täysin hyytynyt. Jäähdytä ensin huoneenlämpöisiksi ja laita sitten jääkaappiin vähintään kahdeksi tunniksi. Tarjoile kinuskikastikkeen ja päälle ripotellun sormisuolan kanssa.

3 1/2 dl sokeria
1/2 dl + 3 rkl vettä
6 rkl voita
1 3/4 dl kermaa

Laita kaikki ainekset valmiiksi, että saat ne nopeasti käyttöön. Lämmitä sokeria ja vettä paksupohjaisessa kasarissa tai paistinpannussa keskilämmöllä, koko ajan sekoitellen. Kun seos alkaa kiehua, lopeta sekoittaminen ja anna kuplia, kunnes seos on kullanruskeaa. Kallistele kasaria välillä. Tämä vie noin 10 minuuttia. Kun seos muuttuu kullanruskeaksi lisää heti joukkoon voi ja sekoita kunnes se on sulanut. Ota kattila pois liedeltä ja sekoita joukkoon kerma. Jäähdytä pari minuuttia kasarissa ja kaada sitten kannuun jäähtymään. Kaada kuppikakkujen päällä vasta kun täysin jäähtynyt.

Recipe (24 cupcakes):
2 cups graham crackers, crushed (about 16 sheets)
3 tbsp granulated sugar
7 tbsp salted butter, melted
4 8 oz packages cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 cups brown sugar
3 tbsp all purpose flour
4 large eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 cup sour cream
1/2 heavy cream

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a mixing bowl, whisk together crushed graham crackers with 3 Tbsp granulated sugar. Pour in melted butter and stir mixture until evenly coated. Divide graham cracker mixture among 24 paper lined muffin cups, adding about a heaping Tbsp to each. Press mixture into an even layer. Bake in preheated oven 5 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to cool while preparing filling.

In a small mixing bowl, whisk together 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar with 3 Tbsp flour until well blended. Add softened cream cheese to a separate mixing bowl and pour sugar mixture over top. Blend mixture on low speed until smooth. Mix in eggs one at a time and blend on low speed, while scrapping sides and bottom of bowl and mixing just until combined after each addition. Add vanilla, sour cream and heavy cream and mix just until combined. Tap mixing bowl against counter top about 30 times to release some of the air bubbles. Divide mixture among muffin cups filling each cup nearly full. Bake in preheated oven 20 - 23 minutes, centers should still jiggle slightly, don't overbake (if they begin to crack they are starting to become overbaked). Remove from oven and allow to cool 1 hour. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and transfer to refrigerator and chill 2 hours. Serve chilled with a spoonful of Salted Caramel Sauce or Strawberry Sauce (note: for best results spoon topping on just before serving). Store in an airtight container in refrigerator or freeze.

Salted caramel sauce:
1 1 /2 cups granulated sugar
1/4 cup + 2 Tbsp water
6 Tbsp salted butter
3/4 cup heavy cream
Maldon or coarse sea salt, for sprinkling

Gather all of your ingredients and have them nearby ready to add to the mixture as needed. In a heavy-bottomed 3 quart saucepan, heat sugar and water over moderately high heat whisking constantly to dissolve sugar. Once mixture reaches a boil, stop whisking and allow mixture to boil until it reaches a dark amber color, carefully swirling pan occasionally. Once mixture reaches a dark amber color, immediately add butter and whisk until butter has melted then immediately remove from heat. Wait 3 seconds then carefully pour in cream and immediately whisk to combine (it will bubble vigorously). Whisk until mixture is smooth. Allow caramel to cool several minutes then pour into a glass jar to cool. Sprinkle lightly with sea salt after spooning caramel over cheesecakes.


  1. Anonymous8/28/2014

    Soooo yummy - highly recommended!

    1. Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!
